Maths and a Vegetable – a strange correlation

“Have some more of this,” I urge with a loving smile as I scoop out a bit more of the vendakkai (lady’s finger aka bhindi or okra) curry from the casserole and serve my daughter. She sulks, pouts and gives me a basilisk-like stare but I remain unmoved. This wasn’t the first time we were at cross-purposes over matters relating to food. Read the rest … Continue reading Maths and a Vegetable – a strange correlation

Second Innings – a short story

This story was published in The balcony looked desolate. Most of the pots were broken. Meena felt a pang when she saw the lone cactus plant in a corner bravely holding up. Waves of guilt swept over her. “I don’t have a green thumb!” she muttered whenever visitors happened to peep into her balcony. The words sounded pitiful even to her own ears and sometimes she imagined the withering … Continue reading Second Innings – a short story